A few weeks ago we received a call wanting to do a video conference with us concerning a piano on a riverboat. As we soon learned, it wasn't a gambling boat, but a Showboat in Clinton, Iowa strictly dedicated to putting on musical theater performances. How cool is that? During the video conference, they showed us two pianos and asked us to choose the best one for the play "Cabaret." They wanted something that would fit in with the theme of the play. We chose the appropriate piano and set a date for the two day operation. When we arrived, we were surprised to see that the boat was permanently dry docked and that it's a professional theater that has been in operation for a number of years.
The theater hires actors from around the country for the summer. They have a dormitory and kitchen plus a separate rehearsal area. The actors use it to build their resumes, of course!
Inside the Showboat is actually quite beautiful. Megan and Ted spent the better part of two days there working on the piano and left it in nice playing condition. The only problem was that they needed it hoisted up on to an eleven foot perch above the stage. That wasn't our job, thankfully! In all, it was quite an interesting couple of days!